Days Six/Seven

So I have no pictures for Day Six or Seven because I’m not at school and I’m having to do without my official photographer (AKA Nate Adams)…but I assure you you’re not missing out on too much other than a scarf I made out of old t-shirts that is kind of cool.

Aaanyway, here are cool things that happened!

  • Syd, my previously mentioned best friend, gave me a button that says “One Dress/ One Shirt, One Month, One Life” on it that our preacher’s wife made and I’m making them for the girls doing this at Centre!Image
  • I colored eggs with a bunch of my friends yesterday and didn’t ruin my dress!
  • My wonderful Mom took my dress in some more so it now fits again!  Yah Yah!
  • I got to meet with most of my Campaigners’ group from high school YL and it was awesome!
  • Tomorrow’s easter and I still don’t know what I’m wearing with the Dress…
  • I blogged about Bob Goff’s new house for Trafficked Girls in Uganda, not thinking that Sydney is going there this summer.  She texted me that night and said that she had been praying for a girls home to visit while in Uganda and that this was an answered prayer!  God’s using the Dress project to unite even the closest of friends and to use us for His Glory!

I don’t have a ton to mention about these two days other than that I’m super sleepy and the last two days have been awesome!

Also, how cool is it that we worship a God who literally defeated death?  We talked about this a lot this week in my Christ and Christology class and while the class always gives my brain a good workout and honestly helps me to understand my faith more by questioning it, this week was especially helpful and I can’t believe I didn’t think to mention it before now!  More on this later when I’m not falling asleep!

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